Sunday 22 July 2007

Coming soon to a 'buffet near you!

Yep, the all new super IB Geek Girl competition's on it's way, and it's so wonderful that it hasn't even got an official name yet!

Full details and the rules of the game will be posted on the blog forum tomorrow (Monday, 23rd July 2007). All I can say at this point is if you have a thinking cap, dig it out, dust it off, and put it on. The contest will be open to all, and there will be bonus scoring opportunities galore.

Of course all competition entrants get a free IB Geek Girl cookie. IBGG cookies are freshly baked by our Bakers (they're a bit like IB chefs but they make things with code rather than pixels) and they're yummy, and are especially nice with a nice big tankard of rum. Arrrr!

Feel free to ponder upon just what this IBGG spectacular's gonna be. ;-)

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