Tuesday, 17 July 2007

IBGG style comes to an IconBuffet near you

Don't you hate it when you get innundated with spam deliveries from those people clearly unable to read words of one syllable?!! Grrrr! Despite my profile clearly saying whether I have tokens or not, I regularly get unwanted deliveries from people despite my tokenless status, and they mount up, and mount up...

I've got to the point where not only do I refuse to decline the deliveries on principle, but in the case of repeat offenders have seriously considered posting a note in their Box along the lines of "Are you unable to read? NO TOKENS! Warning: I hold stamps hostage!" I doubt that would stop them though.

I admit it. I hold stamps hostage. If people can't be bothered to read my profile, I can't be bothered to reject their deliveries, and feel no guilt at tying up their stamps. Some people just don't learn though, and send me not one, or two, or even three, but bucketfuls of icon sets, and they mount up, and mount up, and they're a huge PITA to scroll through multiple times every day. There must be a better way. There is. It's called CSS.

What started as a mission to rid myself of the huge list of deliveries turned into an all-out mission to change the look of IB completely.

And thus, two IBGG Stylish userstyles were born. Wanna see the before and after shots? Okay then...The plain but lovely IconBuffet's somewhere to your left and up a bit. Note particularly the reams and reams of spam deliveries - yep, I'm serious about hostage taking!

Style 1, called simply "Spam be gone" simply does what it says on the tin, gets rid of those spam deliveries so you don't have to see them every day until they expire if keeping stamps hostage is your thing. Use it on it's own or with another style, and never again have to scroll through those spam deliveries, unless you want to!

Style 2 is the "IBGG IconBuffet Makeover". It's a geeky makeover rather than a girlie makeover. Ever wished that IB was just a little more geeky? Well now it can be! With the IBGG IB Makeover, you get binary and a sort of retro CRT effect profile all rolled into one. Used with the "Spam Be Gone" style you can rid yourself of spam too, or use it on it's own if you happen to like spam.
Just for good measure, here's a close-up of the top left of the screen...

Like what you see? You can visit the Stylish website to read more and install the styles. You'll find my styles here.

1 comment:

thea said...

LOL. Sorry if I also send those unwanted sets to you.. sometimes I send sets from the set's page rather than from the user's page. =/