The IB Geek Girls are a bunch of pixelly addicted girl geeks who hang around the wonderful world of the ice-cream social known as IconBuffet. What's IconBuffet? It's only the best place on the web for top quality icons....and here's the great bit....that are FREE!!! Yep, free as in no cost. Zilch. None. Nothing.
Not only do the Geek Girls love their shiny icons, but they're also the geekiest girls this side of the web. It's not just boys that can be geeky. We can out-geek the best of 'em!
So how's it work?Well, signing up gets you a free freshly baked delivery of icon goodness from the simply adorable chefs over at IB. This one's free as in no cost, no cost at all. For other sets you get issued with a month's allowance of tokens (a bit like getting pocket money to spend on ice-cream and sweets as a kid), and a supply of stamps that you use to send icons you've got to your friends. Armed with your tokens and stamps you can then set off a-trading with other members. Icon sets 'cost' 1, 3 or 5 tokens, and there are currently 103 sets to collect; all of them simply gorgeous. Sending a delivery costs you stamps, but it earns you points, and when you start getting lots and lots of points, cool things start to happen. Receiving delivery of an icon set gets you a new supply of stamps you you can send the lovely new icons you got to your friends as well. It's all about sharing the icon love.
Not only that though....As if icon goodness wasn't enough to tempt you, there's the friendliest blog forum (personally I think that's a play on words - you want icons? You blog for 'em!) this side of the intraweb as well where you get to hang out with folks from all over the world, make friends, and generally party.
So what's this about Geek Girls then?Ah yes! The IconBuffet has a system of 'tags' that you can put in your profile that appears at the top of your very own page so other people can see the sort of stuff you're interested in, and you can look for people with similar interests to yours. Some bright spark hit upon the idea of using these tags for guilds/clans. First came the Pirates (join the Pirates and Snipe the world!TM) and the Ninjas (Shinobi), various national groups, and of course IB Anonymous, for those who've taken the first step in recovery and admitted that they are pixelly addicted....and then up sprung the IB Geek Girls.
Every day we go from strength to strength, gathering new members and increasing our geeky powers. We have our own private meeting place where fun and games will be held, as well as girlie, and girlie geeky chat, a recommended reading list, and our very own blog (you're reading it). So, some reasons why you really, really want to be an IB Geek Girl:
- You get to hang out with other geek girls
- You help to show the boy geeks that girl geeks can be just as geeky as they are and we look better in high heels than they do
- You can contribute to the IB Geek Girls' recommended reading list
- We have our own private meeting room where we can hang out and chat and share geeky info, away from the geeky boys
- You get exclusive access to cool Geek Girl toys that aren't available to non-Geek Girls yet (okay, there's only one of them at the moment, but it's a start)
- Shortly we'll be having meetings and games and competitions exclusive to the Geek Girls
- You can enter the Geek Girl competitions
- We have our very own blog
- Another very good reason that we'll come up with in just a moment
- And, of course Tamashii will be very jealous of you ;-)
Easy. Just follow the 4 steps below.
- Sign up and join IconBuffet for more free icons than you can shake a stick at.
- Check that you meet our eligibility criteria. Are you a girl? Are you a geek*? If you can answer yes to both those questions, then you're qualified.
- In your profile, put IB Geek Girls in your list of interests under Movies, Listening, On the Tube or Reading (don't leave any spaces before or after the comma separated list of interests)
- That's it! You're a Geek Girl!
Come join us. Come join the geeky, girlie fun. You know you want to!
1 comment:
Blogging for icons.
It has a beat, I can dance to it. I give it a 9.5.
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